Tackling Dry Eye Syndrome During Menopause
As we approach World Menopause Day on 18th October, Belle looks at a lesser-known symptom of menopause – dry eye syndrome. We spoke with Dr Hakam Ghabra of... Read more.

Mixing your scent
Close your eyes and imagine a time when you have felt safe. Or free. Or sexy. You can probably see the colours around you and make out the contours of…... Read more.

Poetry By Women For Women: Furies
Belle About Town doesn’t need to tell you that women have been under represented and ignored throughout history. And that despite forward steps, they are still... Read more.

A Heroine In Northumberland
Returning to Maften Hall after an afternoon amble through the green fields and dizzy scent of late summer, I felt as though I was a heroine in a piece of…... Read more.

Down By The Sea
It’s summertime, and with the longer days, BBQ evenings and buckets and spades comes a desire to infuse some of that summer feeling into everything. A bit... Read more.

Enchanting Entrepreneurs
‘I haven’t smiled so much in one afternoon in a long time,’ my friend said as we left the spot we had just been for an hour or so. We…... Read more.

Milliner Doing It For Herself
As Martha Sliter said ‘ A piece of magic is a hat.’ Able to transform an outfit and an attitude, adaptable and always available, eminently practical... Read more.