Guilt-Free Wellbeing

Adam Shaw started his professional career in health and wellbeing in 1992 when he trained as a nurse and became a part-time fitness instructor. After 13 years of working in medicine with thousands of people who were seriously ill, he developed an interest in the psychology of illness and left the NHS to work independently.
Adam believes that we all have a lunatic gene that causes us to slide off the rails occasionally with our health habits.
Here Adam explains just what the lunatic gene is and how we can change our behaviour to stop it affecting our lives.
As 2013 gains momentum and you enter back into the post Christmas and New Year flow, it is highly likely that finding time for your wellbeing is an issue.
Your determination to lose that few pounds of weight, go to the gym, attend that exercise class, stop smoking, eat less cake and chocolate and look after yourself better may well be significantly less now than it was on new year’s eve. This is common and the reason why New Year’s resolutions are almost pointless. The fact is that if you made a New Year’s resolution and didn’t keep you are now worse off than before because you have just added guilt to the equation.
The basic principles of working with energy in fields like Reiki, Vortex Healing and Energetic NLP are that energy follows thought. An energy practitioner helps you by thinking about energy entering your body. They simply intend that you get the best possible outcome from a session and hold the space for that to happen. There is no judgement, no dogma and no guilt involved in this process, which is why it works. So why then is looking and feeling better through moderating your habits not so easy to do?
The Lunatic Gene
It is my firm belief that we all have a lunatic gene. This is the gene that causes you to override information that you know would benefit you. Lets face it, it is not the lack of information or education that causes people to drink excess alcohol, smoke another cigarette or eat a less than healthy diet.
Most smokers know that it would be a good idea to smoke less, but they do it anyway. Most alcoholics know that it would be a good idea to drink less, but they do it anyway, and most people who are overweight know that it would be a good idea to eat less fat and sugar, but they do it anyway. This is the lunatic gene in action!
Guilt Creates Stress
Knowing what you could be doing to improve your body, mind and life is not the issue. The judgement that you make about not doing it is. In simple terms, making a resolution or commitment to give something up energises the problem. You cannot give up anything without thinking about it. This brings it more into your thoughts and makes it challenging not to do the habit that you want to give up.
Give Up Nothing, Lose Guilt and Feel Better
This may well come as good news for you. I believe that if you want to give something up, start by cutting down. If you are not eating as healthy as you would like, just swap one not so healthy meal for a salad in your weekly routine. When that becomes effortless, swap another. If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day, cut down to 19. When this becomes effortless, cut down to 18.
Add Positive Habits
Drinking more water, breathing deeper and walking more are all easy ways to bring balance to your life. If you keep adding such simple, easy to implement, positive things to your daily routine you will easily be able to cut down and maybe eventually cut out any habit that you are not happy with. For a busy woman about town, this may well be an easier way to improve your body and mind, with less guilt and less stress.
Find Out More About Balancing The Lunatic Gene at