A Therapy Session With A Touch of Power

Sometimes you meet people you know are going to make an impression on your life to a greater or lesser extent, and Sarah Jones is one of those people.
Sarah is an intuitive healer; this is a practice I have come across before, and is something that I believe in, as if you do it at the right time it can be very powerful and most definitely healing.
But when this petite powerhouse turned up at my doorstep one summer evening to administer her Touch Therapy treatment I still wasn’t sure what to expect; I actually thought it was a type of facial.
And I was pleasantly surprised – the 45-minute treatment is actually a blend of reiki, life coaching and holistic massage, with Sarah sometimes touching you lightly, at other times with more pressure and intent.
It’s relaxing and nurturing, but it’s afterwards that the magic happens as Sarah’s sixth sense kicks in and her experience working with you transforms into words. Despite her high profile and starry clientele, this beauty expert is human, grounded and firmly believes that you need to be happy within to glow on the outside.
Having spent the whole time tuning into your energy and reading your body to diagnose what you need to do or which path to take, Sarah doesn’t hold back with her conclusion.
Now I know I’m not the most balanced of souls at times and I certainly have my demons and baggage, but Sarah’s response took me by surprise when she gave me the lowdown, and then mentioned that she wanted to see me again as she could probably ‘break me.’
Later when I was alone with my thoughts, I felt calmer, more relaxed and intrigued to know what might happen following a second treatment.
A few weeks later on a beautiful autumn morning, I pitched up at Sarah’s elegant west London home for treatment 2. “This is likely to be very different to the first time,” she forewarned me, and having had a particularly challenging few weeks both personally and professionally, I was slightly apprehensive.
And she was right. During the treatment I felt a gamut of emotions which seemed to emerge 10 minutes in, from sadness and fear to a wave of positivity and then peacefulness.
This mental journey was very revealing and afterwards, Sarah told me I was totally out of balance so she’d concentrated on rebalancing me which was not typical for her. And that is exactly what it felt like – as though someone had realigned my mind and given me some mental clarity.
She told me I wasn’t making the most of my talents and thinking about others too much when I needed to think about myself. Everything fell into place and I knew what to do.
It may sound cheesy, but I walked out realising that the universe had given me my very own guardian angel – I believe everything happens for a reason and you are meant to meet certain people in your life – and the next day put a major boundary in place.
If you’re looking for some guidance and want to treat yourself, invest in a session with this amazingly talented therapist, it will be the best £90 you’ve ever spent, I promise you.
- For more information see www.sarahjonesuk.com