No Pain, No Gain: A Review of Prohfilo Anti-Ageing

Has that dreaded day arrived, where you wake up in the morning, head to the bathroom, look in the mirror and think that your skin looks grey and saggy? Your eyes don’t resemble you, the area around your mouth seems to have dropped and basically, it looks like everything is flying south?
I did. And having established I hadn’t had a night on the town, the dawn of realisation came over me, and I knew I had to do something about it!
Could I look 38 again and was I brave enough to try? It was time to take action! I had been invited by White Swan Aesthetics a while ago to try their Prohfilo treatment, so this was a time to face my morbid fear of injections and get some rejuvenation. I was prepared to try anything that was ‘anti-ageing’, and having read about various treatments available, decided this was the one for me – after all, surely, I could brave an injection?

The day of my appointment came, and it was bucketing with rain and honestly, being soaked to the skin, I wondered if I should not go through with it! It certainly didn’t help my appearance as a drowned rat and certainly not Harley Street chic but when Dr Adams, the specialist, approached, I felt more at ease – albeit temporarily. This lovely, kind man soon turned into something approaching my worst nightmare, as he imparted the knowledge that it wasn’t just one injection – IT WAS TEN, five on each side of my face! I suppose at that point the only thing I could do was repeat the mantra ‘no pain no gain’.
This treatment can be used to plump up those areas which us, as mature ladies, tend to be the first to show the effects of ageing, such as the cheeks, chin, mouth and around the eyes – it is also good for the chest and décolletage. More encouraged at the thought of walking out of his Harley Street rooms as a new woman, I proceeded to calm my nerves and get on with it.

Dr Adams fully explained how and what is used to make me look like a super model – the best thing is that absolutely no chemicals are used in the procedure, and a lot of the work is actually done by myself in terms of my own immune system working hard to regenerate skin cells, which then boosts collagen production in my body. At this point, I knew I was in the hands of Dr Adams as it is imperative that the injections are placed correctly, not too deep, as it simply won’t work effectively. The injections need to be near the surface of the skin, in order to give it that plump and youthful look.
Just a head’s up – this is not a FILLER. Hyaluronic Acid is used which is a natural substance produced by the human body and is found particularly in the facial skin and is a very efficient aid to skin hydration. So, no chemicals are being implanted, just that boost of HA to increase collagen levels, and keep the skin supple by retaining water.
Ready at the starting line, I was given two stress balls, one for each hand (bearing in my I am no kind of juggler) while the injections were administered into the ten points around my face. Even though numbing cream and ice were used around the injection points, I don’t think this had any effect at all, and I am sure nothing would have relieved me at this point of jangling nerves and utmost fear! Each injection took about 10 seconds and I found the most painful to be around the eyes and the chin sites. Fortunately, it really was over very quickly, even though in each of the injection points lumps developed rapidly, which were quite hard, Dr Adams allayed my worries and said this was extremely normal and they would subside in around 24 hours – and they did.
Full of confidence I left the treatment rooms giving myself a pat on the back for not passing out or embarrassing myself – it really wasn’t that bad. But I did have in my mind that I would be returning for a further 10 injections in six weeks’ time, but that seemed a long way away.
Somewhat buoyed with more confidence the second time around, I did find that it was much more of a breeze as I knew exactly what the procedure entailed, and frankly, felt a little more in control. I did experience a little bleeding this time, and it was one of those atrociously hot days (37°C) and this causes your blood vessels to pump up and open which causes anyone and everyone to bleed more.
As I left Harley Street, I had a countdown of 4-6 weeks when the full results would significantly show – and believe me they did, not just to me but to others who remarked on how much fresher and more youthful my skin appeared. Even my editor, who is not known to over-compliment anyone, effused over how much my skin looked fresher, younger and my omnipresent frowns had also diminished! Most importantly, it looked natural, and not as if I had been pumped full of chemicals and fillers.
It isn’t totally pain-free, but this natural chemical-free treatment has really made a difference. Give it a whirl, girls and face that mirror in the mornings.