IV Drips: A Miracle Hangover Cure & More!

The IV Doc can cure a hangover in under an hour, a blessing for London Fashion Week and party seasons

The IV Doc can cure a hangover in under an hour, a blessing for London Fashion Week and party seasons

Twice a year something very strange happens in all the trendiest cities on earth – if you look closely they are seized by a kind of super stylish frenzy. Usually sane people start wearing wellies with tutus and carrying kettles as handbags in the hope someone equally deranged will snap them on the street.

Yes folks, it’s Fashion Week! There is nothing more unpredictable than a hungry woman, and for these few bonkers weeks the models, stylists and everyone in between is hungrier and even more bonkers than usual.

But what happens when the flashbulbs stop popping and the uneaten canapés have all been thrown away? The recovery begins. And what more stylish way can there be to get one’s fashion mojo back than reclining on the comfort of your own sofa, hotel bed, private plane, wherever, while a kind and sympathetic nurse carefully soothes you and makes everything better again?

This is the moment you call (or get your exhausted assistant to call) the IV Doc. I would like to say that I tested this bizarre treatment in the interests of medical science, but the truth is I absolutely love the idea of getting healthy with zero effort.

So at the appointed time, groaning and aching from a killer hangover (not strutting the catwalks of Milan in killer heels I’m afraid) a lovely nurse knocked at my door with her bag of tricks, which included an IV drip, a syringe and an assortment of potions to heal any ailment.

I perused the menu of different vitamin drips on offer – starting at £249 for the basic cleanse (yep, that’s a lot of money for what is essentially a litre of purified water to be pumped through your veins) through flu busting treatments, drips to beat migraines, food poisoning and skin problems, up to an eye popping £449 for the full works – a cocktail of antioxidants, multivitamins and other good stuff guaranteed to make you feel a million dollars.

After taking my blood pressure the nurse inserted a canula into a vein in my left arm – which was the only painful part of the process – and for the next 40 minutes I reclined peacefully while a litre of yellow liquid slowly dripped through me. As we chatted the nurse, who is part of a team operating across the globe, revealed that most of her regular clients are high profile performers or wealthy business types who book a treatment when they know they are going to be jetlagged. Of course she was far too discreet to name any names.

At first it felt a bit cold, but that soon passed, and by the end I was dying for the toilet, but my hangover was gone and for the rest of the day I felt great.

The following morning I leapt out of bed with what I can only describe as an irritating level of perkiness. There was none of the usual bleariness or groaning and I didn’t need to knock back three strong coffees before I faced the world.

It’s a pricey way to recover from the excesses of the night before but if you are lucky enough to be able to afford, it certainly works wonders. Well worth bearing in mind as the party season approaches.

  • As mum to a pair of cheeky twin boys, Felix and Harry, Nadia is mostly very tired. And sometimes she’s grumpy and very tired, but that doesn’t stop her attempting to have a life beyond sterilising and pureeing, even if that means she has been spotted strolling through the Grazia office with a Cheerio stuck to her bottom, or accessorising her fabulous Vivienne Westwood vintage with a smear of dried porridge. She loves lounging about in the sunshine with a cocktail (those were the days) and hates smug yummy mummy types offering their unwanted opinions on her sons’ snacks, schooling and snot.