Getting Away From It All at Gary Ingham, Hampstead

I like a massage to surprise me.
I don’t mean I want the therapist to scream “BOO!” in my ear, or pinch my bum halfway through the treatment, but I like to leave feeling the past hour was something a bit special, and a bit different.
All too often you spend the last few minutes of a massage knowing it’s about to end, then when it does you wish you’d booked another half hour. From the second they twiddle your fingers you know its neck next, a quick head rub and bang, you’re back in the room. Not so, though, at the Gary Ingham Aveda Salon & Spa in Hampstead. This really was something else.

Following a swift succession of illnesses that left me weak, haggard, and aching all over, I decided I was in desperate need of a pick-me-up. I booked into the Salon and Spa on a former colleague’s recommendation ahead of a rare Date Night with the husband.
The salon is located on Heath Street, right opposite Hampstead station so is easily accessible from town and just ten minutes from Kings Cross. Having grabbed a rather greasy and very overpriced pastry from the Louis Pattiserie down the road, I didn’t arrive in the best mood, but the welcoming smile from reception staff (and a thorough rinse of my greasy hands!) soon put me at ease. I was led through a small door and up some stairs to the spa. Like Alice in Wonderland’s magic door there are two different worlds on either side. Simply stepping through transports you from a bright and bustling salon into an oasis of calm and tranquillity. And there must be some serious sound proofing going on because you can’t hear a thing from the outside world.
My therapist was Linzi and, rather than perch me on the end of a bed, she did the mandatory consultation while bathing and exfoliating my feet, a nice touch.

I had booked in for a full body massage but we discussed which points I would like worked on most. Recent stress and illness had left me with a lingering tension headache and tight shoulders so she focused on that first. I could feel the knots working their way out as she firmly manoeuvred my body into a more relaxed state. Having been lucky enough to have lots of massages over the years I know what I like, and a firm massage does me much more good than a light stroke. I’m not paying anyone upwards of £60 just to tickle me.
I drifted into a state of semi consciousness and enjoyed which was honestly one of the best massages of my life. And thanks to Linzi’s intuitive technique I felt fully satisfied at the end. After the head massage came more of a focus on my neck, to relieve tension from all angles. She took what i had told her in my consultation and created a personalised treatment rather than just following a well worn routine. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Relaxed, revived, and ready to face the world, I enjoyed a cup of Aveda herbal tea, a tangy mix of lavender, liquorice and a few other things I couldn’t quite identify, and went back through the Magic Door to meet Jonny, my stylist, in the salon.
Being a busy working mum of two young kids I’m ashamed to admit I get my hair cut about twice a year, if that. While I waited for the look of horror to cross Jonny’s face as I said I wanted to look beautiful all day every day without having to make any effort whatsoever, said look didn’t appear. “Okay,” he told me, “We’ll go for

something easy to manage that looks great and if you don’t get it cut for another six months it won’t look terrible either.” Music to my ears.
Jonny chose some colours to lift my look in preparation for winter, and got to work. And not only did he leave me looking a feeling fab for my night out, he also taught me exactly how to replicate the look at home, something I always struggle with. While I was in the salon over three hours it barely felt like five minutes as we chatted easily and other staff joined in too. There’s a really relaxed and friendly vibe about the place, which you don’t often get at high end salons. There’s even a (gorgeous) resident pooch that pops over to say Hi. I’ve never been a dog lover but my goodness it was all I could do to stop myself popping her in my handbag and taking her home with me.
Having bored Jonny to tears with my life story, and sat in fascinated awe as he detailed parts of his (think high end hairdressing via marathon running and a degree in engineering) it was time to leave. We shook hands like old friends and I walked out with a bigger smile on my face than I have had in weeks. Hampstead is not on my doorstep but I’ve found my new go-to salon and I’ll definitely be back. Maybe they could offer a reminder service so I book in more than once a year though..?