Belle’s Style Guide to Spring Hair

It’s been a long cold winter and it is not just your mood that has suffered with the cold and grey weather. The combination of drying central heating and windy cold temperatures wreak havoc on your hair as well. The results can be an irritated scalp, dry dull locks as well as static and frizz – not a good look! Extreme temperatures can be extremely damaging on your tresses so now is the time to give them some extra loving after the big freeze.
Stop That Itch
If your scalp is irritated then a get your hands on a soothing shampoo such as Neutrogena Triple Moisture Dry Scalp Soothing Shampoo or Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo ($13; And don’t scratch! Scratching can irritate the scalp further and cause hair breakage.
Repair Dama
ged Hair
You wouldn’t skip the facial moisturiser in this weather so treat you tresses to some deep moisturising too. Sebastian Potion 9 (£17.95, is a leave in moisture treatment that helps to restore your hair’s condition and shine. Phytokarite Ultra Nourishing Masque from Phyto (£19.50, is a rinse out hair treatment that promises to help restore hair elasticity, strengthen and revitalise your hair without weighing it down. To ensure that the Phyto treatment penetrates deeply, after putting it on your hair, wrap it in cling film and then put a towel over it and the heat will ensure that the treatment is absorbed to its fullest.
Forgo The Blow!
To prevent further damage try to limit the use of heat appliances. Blow drying, curling and straightening all add to the stress that your hair. If you can’t get by without – ensure that you use a good heat protection lotion before using them. Charles Worthington Results Heat Protection Spray (£4.49, or James Brown London Heat Styling Protector (£5.99, will protect your locks while you make them look good.
Smooth and Sleek
No one likes to leave the house when it looks like they have stuck their finger in an electric socket! Static and frizz can also be a result of dry hair and the drier air conditions we live in during winter. While the other tips on the page can help to stop this happening, what do you do in the meantime? For static, some people swear by a clothes drying softening sheet rubbed over the top of their hair. Just as effective can be brushing it with a natural bristled hairbrush that has had a light coating of hair spray sprayed on it. Frizzy hair is best sorted with a light silicon which isn’t too drying. I love Redken All Soft Gold Glimmer (£12.75,
From the inside out
Hair needs protein, vitamins A, B and E as well as good oils and good blood flow to grow strong. Eating oily fish, avocado, carrots, mango and chicken will help too promote beautiful hair. If your diet is lacking try Perfectil Skin, Hair and Nail supplements (£6.59 for 30,
Chop, Chop, Chop!
Finally to make sure you are ready for swishily sexy hair this spring make sure you get it trimmed regularly to keep it in tip top condition.