Me, Me, Galore: An Innovative Portrait!

Nobody wants cheesy family snaps anymore and now, especially when it comes to wedding pictures, the photoshoot has got a whole lot more sophisticated. An artistic photographer who is also a skilled at photoshop can make a unique piece of art that features your nearest and dearest. Put away the matching Christmas jumpers and get to thinking about a theme that reflects your personality, a story that your family can tell or something that you share as a couple can become the perfect photo momento.
There are many examples of innovative photographs on the internet, the latest to do the rounds was a wedding party being chased by a T-Rex. The groom was a huge dinosaur fan and so the picture, while entertaining, also means a lot to the couple. And while Louisiana USA may be a bit far for people to go for this photographer, London is producing some pretty talented photographer photoshop artists too.
[Quinn Miller photography, Louisiana USA]
Denise Flowers of Mimi Galore creates a fabulous photographic story, casting yourself as the dazzling star of a legendary picture. The photoshoot itself takes between two hours to a whole day if there are numerous people involved. The first thing is to decide on the inspiration for the shoot – the only limit is your imagination! Denise not only makes you feel comfortable but gives you space to let go and also be part of the creative process as well and the results are not only different but they also let your personality shine through.
Its is not just Denise’s skill as a photographer that brings out the best in you but also her artistic abilities and knowledge of photoshop that take the picture to a whole different level with the result in like a piece of art, being something you would be proud to hang in your home.
So what’s holding you back from a galore-ious photoshoot?