Vin Education at The Wine Tasting Shop

Spring really is doing its best to make an appearance, it’s so close you can almost feel it. Almost, I mean don’t leave your big coat or your brolly at home just yet, let’s not get carried away.
But regardless of what the unpredictable British weather wants to do, the calendar says it is spring, and those eminently sensible people at The Wine Tasting Shop in Balham agree. They have marked the changing of the seasons by launching their Grand Spring Tasting, and who are we to argue?
Now, I must confess a slight conflict of interest here. The Wine Tasting Shop is at the end of my road, we are quite literally talking about a five minute walk door to door and needless to say, I am a fairly regular visitor and a very big fan of their work.
It’s a thriving bar with a vibrant tasting room specialising in top-quality wines from smaller or lesser-known producers and they generally provide exceptional value for money. Which is why my fave bottle shop has become a hugely popular neighbourhood hangout for us wine lovers.

They know what they’re talking about, even if we don’t.
And this event, like the many others I have attended over the years I’ve been living – and drinking – in this corner of south west London, was not just a whole heap of fun but also very educational too.
The place was packed because it is not just we locals who know that the friendly team – co-founder Rex Rosales and Head Buyer Cris Datcu – throw a decent bash. Wine aficionados had travelled from across the capital to enjoy the impressive selection of over fifty wines on offer that evening.

Also on hand to offer their expertise were super knowledgeable wine advisors and representatives from some of their most trusted suppliers including Swig Wines, Gusbourne, Roberson, Liberty and RAKQ. These clever chaps shared many many generous samples of their extensive portfolios, and guided us through the tasting notes while giving plenty of insight and wisdom into the whole wine producing process from grape to glass.
The Wine Tasting Shop hosts regular events, including food pairings, New World v Old World, chances to try orange wine, organic wine, informal afternoon shindigs and even tastings you can take your baby along to (not sure if the babies are allowed to try the booze. Unclear)