Santa at Christmas in Leicester Square

Like Boris with a beard but a lot more charming, if you see one Santa this year make it Santa in Leicester Square.
Belle bounded towards the Grotto with barely a backward glance at the five kids giggling behind, hurrying to keep up.
Christmas has arrived in Leicester Square and Belle was first in line for some festive cheer (and mulled wine, obvs) even if Chief Grinch Emily (aka @Journobird) does try to resist all forms of premature exaltation until at least the middle of December.
Alpine market stalls selling festive fare, a sky of glimmering, twinkling lights, the smell of mulled wine filling the air; this is Underbelly’s Christmas in Leicester Square, the most festive, wintry and magical venue in London.

So five kids and one Big Belle were led by an overgrown (and rather stubbly) elf into the wood-clad Grotto which sits plonk in the middle of the festive spectacular in the world-famous London square.
For £10 a pop little ones not only get the chance to meet the real Father Christmas, but also hear a festive story from the big man himself. And it’s an entertaining one at that.
Don’t expect a droning old geezer spluttering away while eyeing up the next chance to sink a whisky, prepare to meet the Rolls Royce of all FCs. Not just the Father of Christmas, this one is the Daddy, the Big Man, the Godfather of St Nics’.
An air of Boris Johnson eminates from this larger than life Santa, but it’s at the posh waffly voice and innocuous innuendos that the similarities end, for this gent is funny, gentle, and even a bit cheeky. With adults as well as kids in stitches, his performance was Oscar-worthy and our Baby Belles rolled around the snug rug that lay before him snorting at his sing songs and squawking at his ding dongs.
The Grotto experience lasts around 20 minutes and includes a chat with Santa, a photo opp, a little sing song and a story at the end. It is fun, festive, and definitely the best value for money visit on offer this winter. Kids even get a little gift to ‘keep them going’ before they pile back into the wintry square.
The only sting in the tale is seeing the overgrown elfs printing out beautiful photos of smiling kids, then finding out they’re £15 to take home. Having printed them, they will just go in the bin if not bought, which seems a waste of paper and energy, and a sour twist to an otherwise magical experience.
- For more information and to book tickets click here.
- Belle’s visit was gifted for the purpose of an honest review.
- Each child may be accompanied by up to 1 adult free of charge. For each child ticket purchased, you may purchase 1 additional adult ticket.