Get Your Craft On!

CrafternoonI was a child gifted with curiosity, drive and imagination, and not much patience. I decided every week or two that I could be whomever I wanted and went through many ‘professions’ as a child. Once I was a hairdresser for a day and I rid my friend of her beautiful long black hair, to the dismay of her mother. I don’t think I was allowed near scissors for a while. Another time I wanted to make patchwork blankets which I saw on television. I got about two squares in, happily patching away, when my mum run outside furiously, waving her clothes in the air and demanding to know why were there the same shapes cut out of every piece of clothing she owned. I remember once cutting her vintage denim dress in half, because, from my creative perspective, a top and a skirt would be more practical. My dream of becoming a fashion designer where quickly cut short.

So when I entered the back room of Drink Shop & Do in London’s King’s Cross, my heart sunk. A space filled with fabric pieces, ribbons and needles, and many excited, “ready to create something beautiful” faces. I won’t be lying when I say I was petrified.

We were all here for ‘Crafty Afternoon with Hillary’s‘ – celebrating their beautiful new fabrics called “Jewel Collection”, and we were ready to make a jewellery box using these gorgeously cosy designs.

It was too late to escape, so I gracefully accepted a slice of a Red Velvet cake, sat myself down and patiently waited for orders from The Crafty Hen team. We were given a little cardboard box and a lid, a piece of paper with instructions, and almost in a competition style fashion, were left to fetch the rest for ourselves.

Measuring, cutting, gluing, and simultaneously listening and thinking ahead – many skills were tested that day. Five minutes to the finish, I still had some work to do, but the team from ‘The Crafty Hen’ was very helpful and supportive, and guided my through the final stages. I finished my jewellery box, and to my surprise, it was nicer than I expected. Now I just need to find something to fill it with for my mum’s birthday.

After a small break, we returned to our tables, and with some time left, we were taught how to create ‘Suffolk Puff’ accessories. Now this was fun! Using leftover fabrics, I made some nice hair accessories for my little niece and a brooch for myself.

I was reminded of a few important facts that day. One, it is always good to put yourself out of your comfort zone. Two, it is fun to get creative, what ever that might be. And three, gifting someone with own hand-made creation and seeing their face light up, well, that’s priceless.

  • A native Slovakian, Zuzana has lived in London most of her adult life and calls London her second home. She loves the vibrant, yet somewhat unpredictable beauty this great city has to offer and the fact that it keeps her on her toes. Even after all these years, she keeps discovering new places and secret passages – London never fails to amaze her. Zuzana is passionate about writing and has a degree in Journalism and Media. She loves yoga and meditation, open spaces, autumn leaves and exploring the world. As she believes in a balanced life, Zuzana is not impartial to a daily dose of celebrity gossip, a cup of strong coffee and cake, and the occasional glass of red wine.

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