Garrett Millerick – Just Trying To Help

He’s grumpy. He’s angry. He’s optimistic.  But most of all he is blisteringly funny.

Stand-up Garrett Millerick brings his particular brand of humour to London this week with Just Trying to Help  at the Soho Theatre.

Fasten your seatbelts _ preferably not in the front row unless you’re brave_ for a shouty, sweary, sweaty rant that’ll have you earbashed and rocking with laughter.

With the world’s good, bad and ugly in his line of fire – from Thatcher to Rishi, Greta to Musk, Bezos to Putin  – Garrett unleashes a non-stop scattergun attack on society.

Covid, Brexit, Royalty, Downing Street, property-rich baby boomers (‘You can’t kill baby boomer,’ he complains) and Twitter all come in for a rubbishing.  He’s exhaustingly angry about the lot of them.

‘Britain is a very angry country.  Angry at Philip Schofield for jumping the queue.’

 Garrett is looking for answers:  a new religion for a new age. He’s ditched Catholicism,   so maybe he could try Scientology on the grounds Tom Cruise hasn’t aged since ‘86.

He rues the losses we have endured. ‘We have lost so much: Captain Tom, Debenhams, now Liz,’ he says.  And he doesn’t mean Truss.

The Queen’s funeral meant a day off for the funeral when everything was shut and ‘five hours of watching a sad paedophile walking behind a coffin.  Why was he sad? Because he couldn’t wear fancy dress.’ 

Just Trying to Help is the hilarious conclusion to Garrett’s Fatherhood trilogy that began with his 2018 show Sunflower and continued with 2019s Smile. Now 39 and with a daughter to raise he’s accepting middle-age with bad grace.

He knows he’s getting old as he no longer receives young man spam for sleazy sex and penis enlargement.  Now it’s spam for raising equity, solar panels, decking and burial plots.

You don’t have to be grumpy, opinionated or an eternal optimist to enjoy this Edinburgh Festival hit show – I admit to sharing a few character traits with Garrett – but it probably helps.

  • Just Trying to Help plays at the Soho Theatre at 7.15pm this evening (November 16).
  • Gill Martin is an award winning travel writer and former Fleet Street journalist – Daily Mail reporter, Daily Express feature writer and Sunday Mirror Woman's Editor. She is a freelance writer for national newspapers from the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph to tabloids, magazines, regional newspapers and websites. After a six month career break after the Indian Ocean tsunami where she volunteered as a communications consultant in Banda Aceh, Indonesia for Plan, the children's charity, she is now focused on travel. From skiing everywhere from Kashmir to Argentina, Morocco to Turkey, North America and all over Europe; snow shoeing in Canada; captain of the GB team of the Ski Club of International Journalists; whitewater rafting down the Zambezi; electric mountain biking in Switzerland and cycling in Portugal; Kenyan and South African safaris; riding elephants in India and horses in Brazil; paint balling in Romania; opera and archeology in Serbia; Caribbean snorkelling; sampling food and wine in Italy.