Easter On The Eye

Easter Eye

Easter, aside from Christmas, is one of those occasions when indulging is a must. So much so that even my friend gave up giving up chocolate and alcohol for lent when I asked her to accompany me to the Hotel Chocolat Tasting Experience on the London Eye last week.

Chocolate is everywhere this time of the year. Come February, the shelves in supermarkets are stocked up with chocolate bunnies and cream eggs screaming ‘EAT ME’ – a request I find very difficult to ignore! Growing up back in Slovakia, the Easter traditions would seem rather peculiar to an outsider. Traditionally on Easter Monday, all the boys and men from my small village would go around every house, and they would find all the girls or women living there. They would then splash them with cold water for good health (sometimes one would end up in a bath or a stream if there was one near by) and whip them with a hand-made whip whilst reciting a traditional poem. As a ‘thank you’, the girls would then tie a coloured ribbon on the whip, and offer hand-decorated eggs, chocolates, sweets and money. Needless to say, I spent most of my adolescent years during Easter running, screaming and hiding. Things are a little different now. I spent Easter peeling off wrappers of one beautiful brown delight after next, whilst secretly chuckling to myself at all the memories of me as a girl getting soaked and changing into dry clothes at least five times a day every Easter Monday.

Doug Peters

To celebrate the coming of Easter this year, I attended an evening of pure indulgence organized by The Coca-Cola London Eye and Hotel Chocolat. As the sun was setting over London, and the city lights were beginning to appear, we were taken up the London Eye where we were treated to a 360-degree breath-taking view of this beautiful city. We devoured a large selection of mouth-watering chocolates, each of which were introduced by Hotel Chocolat’s very own expert. He gave us an insight into the chocolate making processes and explained the differences between each of the chocolate we tasted. He even brought us to show a real chocolate bean, which came from their own cocoa plantation in Saint Lucia. Each piece was nicely complemented by a delicious chilled glass of Prosecco. Too many chocolates, too little time – after a special double rotation on the London Eye, it was time to say goodnight to the city and walk off those little devils.

eyechampThere will be plenty of treats on offer for everyone this Eater. The London Eye and the celebrated West End musical Charlie and The Chocolate Factory have teamed up to bring “The View of Pure Imagination” immersive Easter experience to South Bank for the whole family to enjoy. The event runs until April 9th. Expect magical story telling, sweet making, chocolate tasting, giant lollipops and a chocolate river!  For adults, there is the Easter Champagne Experience – served with a glass of Pommery Brut Royal Champagne. This also runs until April 9th.

  • For more information and bookings visit: www.londoneye.com. Nearest station: Waterloo. 
  • A native Slovakian, Zuzana has lived in London most of her adult life and calls London her second home. She loves the vibrant, yet somewhat unpredictable beauty this great city has to offer and the fact that it keeps her on her toes. Even after all these years, she keeps discovering new places and secret passages – London never fails to amaze her. Zuzana is passionate about writing and has a degree in Journalism and Media. She loves yoga and meditation, open spaces, autumn leaves and exploring the world. As she believes in a balanced life, Zuzana is not impartial to a daily dose of celebrity gossip, a cup of strong coffee and cake, and the occasional glass of red wine.

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