Cranked Up Coronation Cocktails @ The Londoner

Londoner coronation cocktails

Let’s be honest here gang, the traditional refreshments we are supposed to enjoy at a Royal knees-up like the King’s Coronation are usually less than thrilling. Coronation chicken is just plain wrong – raisins with meat? Come on. And the less said about a soggy quiche, a dry cucumber sandwich or a sickly trifle the better.

But a Martini menu especially dedicated to His Maj, well now this is one concept that even the most ardent republican can get behind. Those fancy folk behind the bar at The Londoner hotel have cracked the upcoming Coronation celebrations with their new cocktail list aimed at honouring King Charles III on his big day.

‘Expressions of Martini’ is a choice of three amazing martinis paired with a couple of Fine de Claire oysters, served with lemon crème fraiche and green Tabasco dill oil. Yes, those oysters are fabulously befitting of the occasion, but back to the booze.

The Londoner, in case you haven’t had the very good fortune to discover it yet, is a shiny new five star hang out conveniently located on the corner of Leicester Square. Head immediately to The Stage bar on the ground floor, where there is usually a deeply cool live band playing, and check out their mixology mastery (will be impossible to say after three Martinis) which they describe in truly regal style thus: “The Stage raises a coupe to His Majesty King Charles III with a take on his favourite pre-dinner cocktail, the classic Martini, reimagined with flavours befitting a royal of the highest stature.”

Well, if that doesn’t make you feel like a prince or princess for the night, I’m afraid there is no hope for you my proletariat friends.

In the interests of ensuring Charlie’s big day goes off without a hitch, I rose to my royal duty and road tested all three. No need to curtsey, I am merely here to humbly serve.

First up, His Majesty, which is a variation on the King’s fave tipple – with Belvedere vodka, Cocchi Americano, Noilly Prat Dry vermouth, Champagne, and jasmine lactic syrup. Usually, a straight Martini will make your eyes water but that splash of champagne takes the neat booze edge off this which makes it dangerously drinkable.

Londoner coronation cocktail martinis

Next came Le Francais, a remake of the iconic French Martini, which is so delicious it should be presented on a golden on a throne or perhaps its own velvet cushion. This heady mix of Bevedere vodka with raspberry and pineapple infusion and Cocchi Americano Rosa with blackberry infusion and champagne foam was my favourite by far and I could have carried on quaffing them until I toppled off my stool but that would not have been very ladylike. Suffice to say, when I am queen, we shall have champagne foam on everything.

The third ‘Expression’ is the Homage, consisting of Portobello Road gin with Staunton Earl Grey tea infusion, Dubonnet, Crème de Peche de Vine and Veuve Cliquot Brut. This is a tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth, as her favourite drink was Gin and Dubonnet which in case you did not know is widely considered to be the precursor to the Martini. You’re welcome, again no need to curtsey.

Two Martinis and a serving of two oysters is £40 which I decree is a right royal way to mark the King’s Corrie. Ask your chauffeur to prepare the Rolls Royce for a trip to The Londoner at once.

  • As mum to a pair of cheeky twin boys, Felix and Harry, Nadia is mostly very tired. And sometimes she’s grumpy and very tired, but that doesn’t stop her attempting to have a life beyond sterilising and pureeing, even if that means she has been spotted strolling through the Grazia office with a Cheerio stuck to her bottom, or accessorising her fabulous Vivienne Westwood vintage with a smear of dried porridge. She loves lounging about in the sunshine with a cocktail (those were the days) and hates smug yummy mummy types offering their unwanted opinions on her sons’ snacks, schooling and snot.