Don’t Let Your Relationships Suffer From The Winter Blues

As the nights draw in and we begin to settle down for the long winter ahead, the impending dark and cold can leave many of us feeling low, especially when we’re not allowed to socialise as we normally would. Thanks COVID.
If you’re single, the long winter combined with lockdown can spark feelings of loneliness and a desire to meet someone special. For couples, winter cold and darkness can stifle spontaneity and the fun that summer brings.
So how can couples and singles avoid the onset of the Winter blues? “The first thing it’s important to realise is that there is a big difference between having the winter blues versus the medical condition ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder known as SAD,” says Dr Gian Gonzaga, relationship scientist for “SAD is a chemical imbalance in the brain that needs medical help. The winter blues is something that can be overcome by changing a few habits and altering your day to day routine.”
Dr Gian Gonzaga has come up with ten ways you can stave off the relationship doldrums that winter can bring, whether you’re single or in a relationship:
Movies –Snuggling up on the sofa and watching a DVD, is a great way to spend the night or a Sunday afternoon if it’s raining or snowing outside, but actually going to the cinema gets you out of your house. Pick one night every other week, or even a weekend matinee to actually go to the cinema. An alternative to catching a film is going to a nearby museum. The entry is free and art and/or science can lead to great discussion following.
Class Act – Depending on schedules, take a class – so many online sessions have been set up since the first lockdown to keep us all sane there’s a multitude to choose from. Make sure it is something you both are interested in, but taking a course together such as cooking or dancing is fun and active. If you have children, getting them involved will be an educating experience for the whole family. If you’re single, it’s a great way to meet new people, even if not in person just yet.
Outdoor Hobby – It might sound clichéd but taking up a hobby is a perfect way of stemming stress, and if it’s active it’s perfectly legal even during lockdown. Whether it’s something as simple as an online reading group or something a bit different like gardening, it will get you out of the house to do it, and meeting new people online once you join groups focused around the activity. You may just find the voice you didn’t know you had!
Make a date – don’t wait for others to invite you. Take control and plan your diary so you have things to look forward to. Whether it’s meeting up with a friend for a walk, or organising a Friday night Gin o’clock Zoom, having something to look forward to helps empty days feel less lonely.
Winter Walks – The darker nights are not a reason to cook dinner, eat and call it a night. Bundle up in your warmest clothes and take a walk. If you’re in the country, clear winter nights are a great time to see the stars. If you’re in a city, embrace the early darkness and enjoy the city lights.
Music – While gigs and performances may be on hold, there are a lot of supportive communities online filled with people missing their favourite live music. Stick on your favourite tune and dance around the kitchen. Music can impact on mood, and the exercise is a great blues-buster.
Find the tropics locally. Local garden stores are still open. Find one locally that maintains a large indoor plant collection – for a reminder of spring.
Open up space. Staying indoors can make us feel confined. Take time to clear a room of clutter and perhaps rearrange a little to make the space more open — face a chair so you can see out the window, or take out a coffee table to open up the floor.
Stretch out. Help your muscles release tension and address small aches and pains. Start a stretching, yoga, or Pilates routine at home, or by signing up for a class. Even 15 minutes a day can make a real difference.
Holiday in bed. Order a variety of newspapers or magazines from cities around the world. When they arrive, serve yourself (or get your partner to serve you) a continental breakfast in bed: Stretch out and read the international news. You might as well be in a Paris hotel room!