Live London Life To The Full

Living in a city like London comes with an amazing set of perks and unique opportunities, but can also leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious that there will never be enough time to fit everything in! To take away some of the everyday stress in the life of a busy Londoner, Belle About Town has compiled seven easy lifestyle hacks to help you maximise every aspect of life in the capital.
Indulge your hobbies
There are meet-up groups for almost any subject that you could be interested in, from hot yoga to dog sitting groups (yes, really). Don’t get caught up in the endless cycle of too much work. Give yourself time to indulge the hobbies and interests that are so easy to forget.
Book in some classes, workshops or meet ups and then pop them in your diary and stick to them like an appointment.
Workouts that work for you
Working out is a great way to manage your stress levels and meet new people. One of the keys to making a habit stick is to find a way that works for you. If the gym isn’t your thing then try yoga on the banks of the Thames, or running round one of the city’s beautiful parks. The main thing is to find an exercise that you enjoy doing. You can also make some new friends along the way!
Fitness First have a number of locations around London and also offer classes to help you mix things up and stay motivated. For info, go to
Learn to say no without explaining!
It can be very easy to over commit both socially and professionally, which ultimately leads to feeling burned out and resentful. One of the best things you can do for your own well being is to learn to say no to things that don’t feel right for you….and not explain. There’s just too much going on in London to get it all done, however hard you try!
A great book to help with this is The Art of Extreme Self Care by Cheryl Richardson.
Open your eyes
Instead of getting stuck in the same old routine, take a look at all the different things you can do in London and do at least one a week. Love art? Well there are scores of free exhibitions. Food fan? Go on a culinary tour and try different restaurants and cafes. There really is something for everyone here. Check out Belle About Town’s Out & About section for the latest restaurant openings, exhibitions and events and stay on top of what’s happening in London and beyond.
Mix things up
Don’t get stuck in a routine that bores you, mix things up! One day a week, try and go to work a different way. You’ll change the way you see this fabulous city.
Don’t be afraid to get help when you need it
Even with the best planning in the world, there will always be times when unexpected expenses come in (who hasn’t received a larger phone bill than expected or had to repair the washing machine out of the blue?) or life just gets on top of you. There’s always help out there, you just need to ask. All London boroughs offer a Citizens Advice service, you can financial guidance n at the Money Advice Service or speak to somebody in confidence about any problem by contacting The Samaritans. When it comes to managing finances, being sensible with your money and living within your means is the key but there are times when a short term loan can help Make sure you shop around for the best provider to suit your needs. A great website to check out if you think a short term loan might help you is
Help someone else
Almost 9 million people live in London, many of whom need some kind of help. Donating some time to helping others is a fantastic way to make a difference and also help put your own problems or issues into perspective. Choose a certain amount of time per month where you can give some time to a cause that is meaningful to you. You’ll be glad you did.
Check out Local Giving ( for a list of charities in your area.