Is Laughter The Best Medicine? Here’s Why It Could Be…

two smiling women sitting on wooden bench
two smiling women sitting on wooden bench - laughing is the best medicine Belle About Town

It’s that day of the year when pretty much anything goes. Salt instead of sugar, jelly in your trainers, hilarious Henrys swapping things over on your desk/in your home (delete as appropriate) while you grin witheringly. But rather than pour scorn on lame practical jokes, maybe we’d all be better off just going along with it, and laughing at the results, however, droll.

Is laughter really the best medicine? Here’s why it could be…

It’s a stress reliever

Whether you’ve had a hectic day at work, are dealing with some personal issues or are just having one of those days, it’s amazing how much a bit of laughter can take the weight off your shoulders. By challenging the feeling of stress through laughing, the opposite effect on the body, the stress hormones are replaced by feel-good neurochemicals so you can enjoy a calmer approach and reduce the feelings of anxiety.

It can help reduce pain

When you laugh, your body produces natural pain killers so you can enjoy some relief from any discomfort you may be feeling. While laughing may be the last thing you feel like doing when you’re in pain, the outcome can be exactly what you need to feel a sense of normality. Although it may seem like a placebo effect, studies have shown that laughter doesn’t just boost your emotions, but really does minimise the symptoms of pain.

It supports immune health

After a long winter, our immune systems are naturally lower after having to tackle the notorious winter illnesses. As the cold and flu season wraps up, laughter is just what our bodies need to feel better and prepare for the sunshine ahead. Laughter has been shown to boost the number of infection-fighting antibodies and immune cells in our bodies, supporting the release of neuropeptides which reduce stress and fight illness so we can stay fit and healthy.

It can help reduce hypertension

Blood flow is improved by a good laugh, which subsequently reduces blood pressure. As well as being an immediate benefit, the results can last upwards of 24 hours, which could help you maintain a healthy blood pressure. The more laughs you enjoy, the less likely you are to face symptoms such as blurry vision, morning headaches and a buzzing sound in the ears, even having the potential to reduce your risk of heart disease in the long term.

It supports brain health

As well as having a great impact on our mental wellbeing, laughter can also support our brain health. Laughter actually serves as exercise for your mind and numerous studies have linked it to improved cognitive function, increasing your intake of oxygen which in turn stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles. It also increases the endorphins that are released by your brain, contributing to reduced stress levels so you can enjoy a more positive outlook.

It can be quite the workout

A good giggle can actually be a great core workout, causing your stomach muscles to expand and contract. Although it is no excuse to quit your exercise routine, a good 10-15 minute laugh can burn up to 50 calories.

  • Emily Cleary

    After almost a decade chasing ambulances, and celebrities, for Fleet Street's finest, Emily has taken it down a gear and settled for a (slightly!) slower pace of life in the suburbs. With a love of cheese and fine wine, Emily is more likely to be found chasing her toddlers round Kew Gardens than sipping champagne at a showbiz launch nowadays, or grabbing an hour out of her hectic freelancer's life to chill out in a spa while hubby holds the babies. If only!

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