How B12 Helped Beat Marathon Fatigue

The decision to train for both Berlin and Chicago marathons meant that runner Elisa Harris was soon clocking up the miles, but suffering severe fatigue.
In a bid to evade exhaustion, the project manager, 48, from Berkshire, turned to the use of energy-boosting nutrients iron and vitamin B12.
Elisa told Belle About Town: “During marathon training, fatigue can be a real issue when I hit the peak training block and my body struggles to keep up and recover. I believe this to be due to a lack of iron.

“Long runs, combined with everyday life, including work and studying, sometimes leave me feeling like I need an extra boost.
“Running is a huge part of my life, and while I have completed five marathons, ten ultra-marathons and countless other events, I really wanted to take my recovery seriously when I decided to compete in the Berlin and Chicago marathons – as I had two marathons in two weeks!
“Burn out was a concern for me, I was asking a lot of my body and travelling internationally for both events meant that I was at an increased risk of getting sick.”
Elisa knew from experience that she would hit a wall with her training at some point, so she says she made a number of changes to her lifestyle, including addressing her nutrient intakes.
“Iron deficiency was my biggest worry because of the fatigue it causes – but I also wanted to generally boost my energy levels and immune system, too,” she said.
“I became aware of BetterYou supplements around three years ago when I began using their magnesium range as a part of my recovery process,” she said. “But it was only after I was diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency that I was introduced to vitamin oral spray products.
“I read up on vitamin sprays and started using the vitamin B12 and iron supplements just over a year ago.”

Before discovering oral sprays, Elisa had only ever taken vitamin supplements in tablet form, but as she had to take tablets for her epilepsy, she wasn’t keen on taking extra ones on a daily basis.
“This is why I’m now such a big fan of the oral spray option,” she said.
“Since using the vitamin B12 and iron oral sprays, I’ve seen a big impact on my training. I knocked 23 minutes off my marathon time and still had the energy to run another marathon two weeks later, smiling all the way around.”
Important nutritional components when it comes to feeling energised, B-vitamins and iron offer a natural ‘boost’, without the inevitable crash that comes with other energy boosters.
Contributing to energy metabolism pathways and helping to reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue, B12 and Iron oral sprays offer a pill-free solution to traditional nutritional supplements.
Manufacturers claim that the intra-oral spray technology is designed to deliver nutrients directly to the bloodstream, bypassing primary processing by the gut. The tiny droplets within the spray absorb quickly into the buccal membrane of the inner cheek, providing fast and effective nutrient uptake.
- For more information on Better You, see To follow Elisa’s journey, see @elisasrunningadventures on Instagram.