Go Pink This Breast Cancer Awareness Month

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Belle brings you the best brands creating unique, limited edition and of course, pink products to splurge on without a guilt factor. Each purchase will contribute to a life-changing support and life-saving research.

October is the messenger of cold weather to come but there is a way to feel the warmth by treating yourself and do plenty of good at the same time. 

This year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the UK’s first comprehensive breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Care and Breast Cancer Now, the latter being the UK’s largest breast cancer research charity, have partnered up with amazing retail brands to create unique, limited edition and of course, pink products to splurge on but without a guilt factor. Each purchase will contribute to a life-changing support and life-saving research.

Without further ado let us introduce you to the pink heroes of this Breast Cancer Awareness Month:

ELEMIS Limited Edition Pro-Collagen Marine Cream, £110. Regardless of sales of this limited edition product, £25,000 will go to Breast Cancer Care.

M&S Breast Cancer Awareness Month Star Cami set, £25. 25% donation to Breast Cancer Now. Available from 1 October.

Pentel EnerGel Pen, £2.99. 25p from each pen sold will be donated to Breast Cancer Now.

Lulu Guinness Natasha Trainer in chalk and blush. Available from late August, £145. £14.50 donation to Breast Cancer Now per product purchased. www.luluguinness.com

M&S Breast Cancer Awareness Month Revere PJ Set, £35. 25% donation to Breast Cancer Now. Available 1 October.

Skechers GoRun Focus – Strive £64. £5 from every pair sold will go to Breast Cancer Care. Available from www.skechers.com and in store.

GOwalk Evolution Ultra – Victory (Grey / Pink) £62. £5 from every pair sold will go to Breast Cancer Care. Available from www.skechers.com and in store.

ghd gold ink on pink styler, £139. £10 donation to Breast Cancer Now per ghd product purchase.

Damart Limited Edition Fucia Sleeveless T-Shirt, £17. Breast Cancer Now will receive a £5 donation on each sale of the sleeveless T-shirt across all colourways.

To mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Belle brings you the best brands creating unique, limited edition and of course, pink products to splurge on without a guilt factor. Each purchase will contribute to a life-changing support and life-saving research.

Asda have a whole host of products on sale in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness. Our favourite is the Tickled Pink George Mean Girls Sweat, £14. £1.50 donation to Tickled Pink. www.asda.com

There’s also the Tickled Pink Ben & Jerry’s Love Is Topped £2.50 with 10% donation to Tickled Pink per product purchased.

  • Since moving to London in her twenties, Zuzana accidentally developed something of a multiple personality career disorder: From radio broadcasting days at BBC World Service to the world of magazines at the former IPC Media publishing house. After leaving the corporate world behind, she could be found at the photo shoots as a make-up artist or in the recording studios as voice-over artist. These days she uses her make-up artist background to talk and write mostly about her favourite subject: Beauty. Her other favourite subjects are gender equality, every colour ever invented, portrait artists, photography, Marvel, red wine and the importance of humour.