Formula For A Perfect Friday Night Revealed…

Heating on, curtains drawn, a Chinese takeaway and TWO episodes of a Netflix series have been revealed as essential elements of the perfect Friday night.
Belle About Town spoke to researchers who carried out a nationwide poll to reveal the ingredients for the ultimate Friday evening- and discovered 83% of us will be locking the doors and staying in tonight rather than venturing out to be sociable.
Eight in ten of the adults polled said they were glad that winter is here because it’s an excuse to stay in with the curtains drawn!
When it comes to the perfect Friday evening tipple, the nation’s men opted for an ice-cold beer to wash down their take-away, while women reckon a large glass of red is just what’s needed. We couldn’t agree more.
Seven in ten loved-up Brits said they would like to spend the perfect night in with their other half, although 29% admitted they actually prefer having the house completely to themselves.
And according to the poll of almost 2,000 Britons by Anglian Home Improvements, £32 would be spent on food, drinks and snacks for the ultimate evening in – with PJs or comfy clothes on by 6.30pm at the very latest.
The survey also found on a perfect Friday evening, the typical adult will spend 30 minutes scrolling through Facebook, a further 13 minutes on Instagram and around 10 minutes will be spent chatting with mum or dad on the phone.
Four in ten said having food delivered to your door is the very best way to enjoy a night in and over half said the heating must be cranked up. And nearly a quarter of those polled said a night in wouldn’t be right without a real fire.
The survey also revealed that in an ideal world, British women would love to spend an evening on the sofa with the actor Tom Hardy, whereas men said their ideal celeb to cosy-up to would be Countdown’s Rachel Riley.
What makes a perfect Friday night? Here’s the full list of results:
1. Getting home from work by 5pm
2. Curtains drawn
3. A tidy house
4. Dinner dishes washed up and put away
5. PJs of comfy clothes put on by 6:30pm
6. A Chinese take away
7. Ice cold beer (men) Large glass of red wine (women)
8. Two episodes of your favourite Netflix drama
9. Your other half with you
10. £32 spend on food and drinks
11. Scented candles lit
12. 30 mins on Facebook
13. 13 mins scrolling through Instagram
14. 10 minute chat with mum
15. Central heating on
16. Locking all the doors and windows