Five Apps To Make You Money This Christmas

Wondering how on earth you’re going to afford Christmas? The day itself is costly enough – with presents for everyone from the in-laws to the out-of-favour neighbours, not to mention the roast dinner, crackers, a tree, bottles of fizz… the list is neverending! But while the day itself is costly enough, the lead up is often the real undoing for many of us… New party outfits, Secret Santa, a few extra drinks with friends to reminisce over happy memories of 2016, and start planning to create more in 2017. With the 25th only just over a week away, here’s a list of five apps to help you have a very merry Christmas, and make some much-needed extra dosh in a hurry.
Coople allows anyone to find on-demand work, matching them only with relevant jobs that reflect their skillsets, talents and preferences. Coople has a 98% match rate within four hours, so the time-starved amongst us can go from application to work in no time.
TaskRabbit is an online and mobile platform that allows anyone to outsource tasks and freelance labor with local demand. Tasks might include helping someone to move, fixing an unsightly hole in the plaster before the family descends or even wrapping Christmas gifts.
Etsy is an online marketplace where you can both buy and, in this case, sell handmade, vintage and unique factory-manufactured items. Starting off as a hub for the crafty and people looking for unique gifts, Etsy’s grown to the point where it now boasts over a million unique sellers – whatever your talent is, you can bet there’s a market for it on Etsy.
VizEat is a meal-sharing and food experience platform available online and via mobile app. If you’re a budding chef, have a delicious family recipe or even just reckon you know your area well enough to host a food tour, you can sign up, create a profile and take bookings from people wanting to pay to eat in your home or share in a delicious foodie experience with you. Christmas pud masterclass, anyone?
Move over eBay, Vinted focuses on fashion and has created an app and online platform enabling anyone to easily and socially sell, buy and swap pre-loved and vintage clothes and accessories. So, in the spirit of trying to make some cash, when you’re listing last year’s (and the year before’s) party frock, just be careful not to undo all your selling with too many purchases in exchange!