Just Married? How to Beat the Post Wedding Blues

So the weddings over, the guests have left. The Honeymoon’s a distant memory. And you’re back home as a married couple, just the two of you. It’s all very exciting. But it’s also kinda quiet?
Welcome to the post wedding blues. A well known condition for anyone who has put their all into making sure their big day goes as smoothly as possible, the quiet and calm post wedding is often a relief, but it can often leave you feeling somewhat underwhelmed.
According to dating and relationship coach India Kang, many brides feel like this post wedding, especially when they’ve spent months and sometimes even years planning and preparing for the day.
So, what now? Firstly, brides should realise that the wedding day is only one day. Now it’s over what really matters is staying married and loving it. Marriage itself requires a new skill set, and a somewhat different mind-set, says India. During these early days turn any sad thoughts into positive ones. Spend time creating wedding albums, sending thank you’s, arranging fun things for you and your husband to do together. Really throw yourself into married life.
Also remember that being married requires effort and communication. Try and have a date night once a week says India, and this doesn’t have to mean getting dressed up and going somewhere fabulous for supper. It can be a PJ, takeout and movie night. I do it religiously with my husband every Friday, says India, it’s such a nice thing to look forward to at the end of the week.
Another thing that is really important is to keep up your own interests, if you don’t have hobbies, find some! Having your own interests is a really great talking point for you and your husband, and a great way for you to get some all-important you time.
Above all else, remember to keep up strong connections with your support network. Men don’t always communicate in the way women do, so if you need to have a rant, sometimes it’s best to call up a girlfriend who will help you work through your problems and sympathise. Laying your worries and problems on your other half can sometimes create unnecessary stress and drama, which is exactly what you don’t want in your first year of marriage.
Finally he should be your number one now, so make sure you treat him like it. Make him feel special, like he is your favourite person in the whole wide world, the contentment and happiness you’ll get from him as a result will be the biggest reward of all time.
Remember how your feeling is totally natural, when we become completely involved in any big project, the finish line is often a mixture of relief and sadness. Maybe it’s time for a new project, perhaps a new job? A new home? Life’s always exciting says India, so always remember to look forward to the next adventure, rather than backwards.