6 Unconventional Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

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woman at job interview

Preparing for a job interview can be exhausting as the post-pandemic workplace has brought a wave of practices, perks, and processes, that didn’t exist as recently as five years ago. As a result, an interviewees’ expectations of a workplace vary from candidate to candidate, as they strive to find a workplace culture that aligns with their ethos, ambition, and day to day living.

Belle About Town spoke to Cristiano Winckler at Somebody Digital who shared his six favourite outside-the-box questions to ask in a job interview so you can uncover company culture, opportunities for progression, and everything in between.

What can I expect in my first week?

Asking a potential employer to detail their first week of employment may feel presumptuous, however it gives insight into their onboarding process.

If the employer hints that it’s unlikely that time will be given to make introductions, show you around, or take you through the workplace roster, it can leave a new team member feeling stranded. It can also indicate that employees experience heavy workloads that don’t allow them to partake in additional tasks, or even that progression in the workplace is slim as employees don’t tend to pay attention to each other.

What’s the best part of working here?

Ultimately, people like to talk about themselves, so asking this question lays the foundations for an open and honest conversation that builds a rapport.  

If the interviewer struggles to state a handful of perks, it’s likely to reveal how they really feel about their place of work. It may also indicate a negative working environment, where managers are reluctant to celebrate and reward hard work and success.

The best bit of a workplace is all relative as what is considered a perk to one person may be a norm to another. When the interviewer reveals what they consider workplace plus, it gives you the opportunity to determine if for you, that it’s simply the norm.

Do you socialise?

Asking if the team socialise outside of working hours is a great way to establish company culture. The question gives the interviewer the opportunity to divulge if after work drinks are the norm, and if unattendance is taboo. For some, a social workplace is a must, however for others it can serve as a red flag and even a sign of a toxic environment.  

woman in blue suit jacket
Asking the right question at an interview can ensure you’re happy being part f that team (Jopwell on Pexels.com)

What could I do in the role to surpass your expectations?

Job ads could conceal the real crux of the position if the duties presented are vague. Questioning ways in which to surpass the organisations expectations works two-fold.

  1. It creates the opportunity to determine if what is required of the role is unrealistic, or something that you will not be able to fulfil.
  1. The answer may confirm that the role is what you are seeking and give you confidence that the workplace will enable you to progress in your career.

How do you recognise success?

Recognising success is often synonymous with promotion. In fact, research shows that 37% of employees resign if they feel that management doesn’t recognise their achievements. If the interviewer struggles with examples on how they have previously awarded a colleague’s achievements, then this may indicate that that the chances of a promotion are slim.

How do you ensure that remote workers feel part of a team?

One in six of the UKs workforce work from home full time, while two in seven are considered hybrid, so it is more important than ever for employees to feel a part of a team. If collaborating with colleagues is vital for you to succeed, it is important that you establish whether the workplace culture allows you to connect with your colleagues.

  • Emily Cleary

    After almost a decade chasing ambulances, and celebrities, for Fleet Street's finest, Emily has taken it down a gear and settled for a (slightly!) slower pace of life in the suburbs. With a love of cheese and fine wine, Emily is more likely to be found chasing her toddlers round Kew Gardens than sipping champagne at a showbiz launch nowadays, or grabbing an hour out of her hectic freelancer's life to chill out in a spa while hubby holds the babies. If only!