Roispresso Tea – A Healthy Energy Boost

Do you find it impossible to resist grabbing a freshly brewed coffee on your way to the office? Well, soon, you could be swapping your morning double shot latte for something a little healthier, because tea is making a comeback.
Fuelled with impressively high levels of antioxidants, Roispresso is the latest range to gather hype for its nutritional benefits.
While the jury’s still out over the health risks of coffee, Roispresso – a special blend of South African Rooibos tea and carefully chosen superfoods – is claimed to fight all sorts of ailments.
From banishing fatigue and insomnia, to boosting stamina and relaxation, five out of the six superfood blends are naturally caffeine free. But for those looking for an energy boost, the Guarana and acai fusion contains a natural form of caffeine – great for those with a hectic lifestyle.
But before you say you’d miss your frothy cappuccino, Roispresso are ahead of the game. From cappuccino-style to a long Americano, all six flavours can be prepared with milk in a coffee-like way. Ditch the refined white sugar for a more subtle spoonful of coconut sugar and you have the healthiest coffee alternative you can get.
Roispresso is available exclusively at the Trafalgar Hotel and London’s Nobu restaurant currently, so it’s not quite on the same level as the coffee chain giants. But for now, you can sip it leisurely in the Trafalgar’s Rockwell Bar or grab one to take away.
This is tea-trend we think might just take off. It’s certainly time to consider an alternative to that headache-inducing latte.
Here are their six superfood blends:
1. Classic – caffeine-free and high in antioxidants
2. Guarana and Acai – traditionally used by the Indians of the Amazon to fight fatigue, contains a natural form of caffeine. Acai adds an extra antioxidant boost
3. Chamomile and Pollen – has antibacterial properties and boost the immune system
4. Goji – a rich source of antioxidants and promotes overall health
5. Ginseng and Orange – has stress relieving and energy-lifting properties
6. Mint – rich in iron, magnesium and calcium and has a calming effect