Portuguese Wine Pairings For Christmas

Porto6 wine bottles by Belle About Town

If you can’t judge a book by its covers then maybe you can’t judge a wine by its label.

Here’s one that should leap off the supermarket shelves as you trawl the shops for your Christmas wine supplies.

It’s a colourful, quirky cartoon painted by a German street artist in Portugal and discovered by travelling winemaker Mauro Azoia.

The eye-catching street scene, bustling with life as a yolk yellow tram trundles its way through a narrow old cobbled street festooned with washing lines.  A stout man in flat cap sitting kerbside outside his open door tends his smoking sardine barbecue as a hungry cat looks on.

The key, of course, is that the man is clutching a glass of red wine from a flagon at his elbow..  No meal in Portugal is complete without that essential ingredient.

Strict advertising rules dictate that no-one can look like they are enjoying themselves thanks to alcohol.  So BBQ Man is straight-faced, as is the moustachioed tram driver and the crone pegging out her washing.

But the label slapped on every bottle of Porta 6 wine exudes life, vitality, community, tradition and fair weather.  Very Portuguese.

Porto6 wine by Belle About Town

At a wine pairing evening at the Casa do Frango restaurant in Heddon Street, within a twinkle of the Regent Street angel lights, we went through the card. Chardonnay. Pinot Noir. Syrah, all from the Porta 6 range of white, red and rosé wines produced by Vidigal Wines in Portugal.

We started from the lightest of gently bubbling dry sparklings, then a sparkling rosé, to fresh whites _ including the palest green Vinho Verde _ before hitting some fruity and robust ruby reds. All these   to accompany the Christmas feast menu of the restaurant: grilled chorizo, bacalhau fritters, garlic prawns, fire roasted broccoli, charred cauliflower, piri-piri chicken, a handful of veggie sides plus Portuguese Carolino rice with chorizo, crispy chicken skin and plantain.

And, tah dah, to finish our feast a traditional Portuguese almond cake paired with an exquisite velvety dessert wine described as sherry meets marmalade meets young port.  It was a 1982 vintage pudding wine packing a heady 16.5% vol. punch from the Lisbon region.

Roll on Christmas!

  • Gill Martin is an award winning travel writer and former Fleet Street journalist – Daily Mail reporter, Daily Express feature writer and Sunday Mirror Woman's Editor. She is a freelance writer for national newspapers from the Financial Times and Daily Telegraph to tabloids, magazines, regional newspapers and websites. After a six month career break after the Indian Ocean tsunami where she volunteered as a communications consultant in Banda Aceh, Indonesia for Plan, the children's charity, she is now focused on travel. From skiing everywhere from Kashmir to Argentina, Morocco to Turkey, North America and all over Europe; snow shoeing in Canada; captain of the GB team of the Ski Club of International Journalists; whitewater rafting down the Zambezi; electric mountain biking in Switzerland and cycling in Portugal; Kenyan and South African safaris; riding elephants in India and horses in Brazil; paint balling in Romania; opera and archeology in Serbia; Caribbean snorkelling; sampling food and wine in Italy.