Marvin Humes Makes Belle About Town Its Own Exclusive Cocktail!

Last night Belle About Town popped into Covent Garden for a spot of cocktail making with JLS’ Marvin Humes and boy, were we in for a treat! Over the course of five years he’s gone from mixing a family life with Saturdays’ Rochelle Humes with being part of an award-winning British boy band, to mixing records on Capital FM and now to mixing drinks!
At the Smirnoff #YoursForTheMaking event in London’s Fountain Bar, a perfectly groomed Marvin treated us all to his unique and personal blends of cocktails, as well as coming up with an exclusive and original Belle About Town beverage!
Whilst magic Marvin challenged us guests to come up with an original cocktail, we turned it back to him, asking him to make the perfect blend for our busy belles! After relaying the criteria of a Belle About Town reader back to us with a serious, smouldering look on his face that probably made the crushed ice melt, Marvin got to work… and this is what he came up with!
The first step was to choose the perfect holder.
Marvin presented us with several options. A traditional cocktail glass, a teapot (seriously, a real teapot) and a jam jar were amongst the choices. We ended up torn between the jam jar and a fancy looking bowl. Marvin decided that the teapot was too slow for a Belle About Town (we apparently don’t have time to sit and drink tea!) and who were we to disagree!? Our finalised decision was to settle with the jam jar. It’s unique, creative and resourceful – much like our Belles!
Secondly was the Smirnoff
Would we want gold flaked, vanilla, apple, blueberry, original? Marvin and Belle About Town came to the decision that blueberry would be best. Refreshing – to give us that boost throughout the day that we need.
Next was the magic ingredient…
This is what would give the drink its originality. Hunky Humes kindly offered us with several choices including fruit, flowers or various flavours of jam. Whilst we were a bit sceptical about putting a conserve in our cocktail, Marvin soothed us and assured us that although he hadn’t considered it either a couple of weeks ago, a strawberry jam would give the additional sweetness that would satisfy a Belle. We were suitably reassured.
Then came to the mixer
Belle About Town took charge on this one, we were offered a variation of fruit juices or a sparkling soda. Deciding that both Belles and the Belle About Town cocktail could not become too sickly sweet (some would argue we’re sweet enough!) we took the executive decision from Marvin and bravely asked for a simple lemonade, just for a refreshing kick. As ever, Marvin happily obliged, telling us what a great choice we’d made.
Ice is the key to a perfect cocktail
After several weeks of training, Marvin has learned all of the tricks to a great cocktail and his top tip? Lots of ice.
Following his little nugget of wisdom, Marvin filled our jam jar to the brim with crushed ice and proved just how much he can shake it. We obviously mean the glass, ladies.
Taste Time…
The creative process was over and there was only one thing left… a sample. Marvin dived in to try the Belle About Town and we obviously followed. Whereas us Average Joe’s thought it was pretty darn good, Marvin wasn’t fully convinced. After another smouldering stare, he grabbed a lemon, squeezed it in the drink, tasted one more time and gave us a nod, along with some much appreciated praise. “Perfect” was his parting word. We agree, Marvin. You really are.
JLS’ Marvin can shake it with the best of them!
Even though he had already won us over, Marvin also showed off his romantic side by treating everybody to the Rochelle Sundae. That’s right, a cocktail he has created and named after his wife. Who needs perfume, eh? He described the Rochelle Sundae as being “inspired” by his love for her, combining all of her favourite ingredients into a refreshing and shockingly sweet mixture. The brightly coloured concoction can only be served in the tall sundae glass, to remind him of when they first met and shared a drink together. of course!
Make Marvin’s Belle About Town Cocktail:
1 jam jar
1 measure of Smirnoff Blueberry
1 heaped teaspoon of strawberry jam
200ml lemonade
LOTS of ice
One squeeze of a lemon
REMEMBER: Belles have it shaken, NOT stirred.