Book Review: Darker Edge of Desire


Darker Edge of Desire‘Darker Edge of Desire: Gothic Tales of Romance’ is a collection of short stories from some of the finest writers in the erotica genre and is edited by Mitzi Szereto. But if you’re picking up this book expecting a light and airy read then you’ll be quite shocked.

As you may, or may not have gathered from the title, this book is about the darker side of romance. This is perfect for those amongst you who like a little classic monster in your bedroom fantasies; it’s definitely kinkier, than something like 50 Shades of Grey. And there’s even some stories in here which are quite taboo.

Needless to say there’s plenty on offer including vampires, automatons, werewolves and even, an extremely homoerotic encounter with famed author of the macabre Edgar Allan Poe.

Some of the stories are stronger than others and I found myself more drawn in when the story seemed more genuine and involving more human emotions than sheer wanton desire and lust. A particular favourite of mine was ‘Sister Bessie’s Boys’ by Gary Earl Ross, as it seemed to deal with respect, love and even, tones of loneliness. Whereas some of the other stories felt quite rushed and instead of building up an atmosphere to create anticipation felt very much like ‘quick lets get to the sex part straightaway’ – which for me, isn’t what erotica should be about.

If you feel your erotic reads are becoming a little stale then this comprehensive little novel will breathe new life into the genre for you, as I said it’s a little dark in places but who knows, you may just enjoy it.

Darker Edge of Desire: Gothic Tales of Romance is published by Tempted Romance and is available for Kindle from (RRP £7.20) and is also available in print (RRP £9.50)

  • Georgina Lane

    Georgina Lane is an established book blogger with a passion for reading. Having graduated from University with First Class Honours in Professional Broadcast Techniques. she immediately embarked on a career in television, where she co-ordinates top shows. But her true passion lies in books, and she says: "I love everything about them - even the smell, and I'm never happier than with my nose in a good book. Except maybe lying on a beach with a cocktail - and a good book!". Georgina lives with her husband and two cats. She fills her time filing live music reviews for online magazines, and writing her blog

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