Album Review: The Awakening by James Morrison

Ah, James Morrison; he might only be in his mid-20s but he has the voice of wise, old soul legend and the same cosy, cuddle-up-in-front-of-the-fire-with-a-beloved (or beloved glass of wine)-quality songs. He doesn’t exactly tear up the rule book here: big, heartfelt ballads dominate, as with the gorgeous In My Dreams, and the Jessie J-featuring Up, on which the Essex lass thankfully refrains from bawling at the top of her lungs.
However, cute Chris Martin lookalike, James, mixes it up on Slave To The Music – which sounds like something a little sleazy and sexy from Duran Duran’s ’80s back catalogue – and Forever, on which he channels a strain of Gnarls Barkley at their most funky and psychedelic. Like your favourite cuddly autumn cardie, it feels good to have him back.
The Awakening by James Morrison is available through Amazon for £7.19 and all good outlets.