If you are a Belle (or Beau) About Town who has unique voice, passion and something to say we’d love to hear from you.

Do you love life in London and have enthusiasm for something in particular that you would like to tell stylish women about? Maybe you are a TV addict who always knows about the latest programmes, an avid bookworm, a gadget queen or king, a foodie or theatre lover. Whatever your passion, if your friends always turn to you for advice and you’re good at writing your views, get in contact.


  1. Contributions must be original and cannot be republished elsewhere.
  2. If you supply images, they must observe copyright laws
  3. Articles must not be promoting your own business

While we cannot pay you for your contribution, we can give you a byline, a link to your personal blog if you have one and give you a forum of stylish and interested readers.

If you are interested send a proposal and an example of your writing style to Managing Editor Emily at emily@belleabouttown.com.